Either way I am looking forward to Saturday. I will be going to Redlands to one of my Alumni sister's daughter's birthday party. It should be a nice short party. It's from 11:30 to 2:30 which for a kids party is good because I think that is all I can handle with so many kids
On top of the birthday party, I just got a message through my facebook that there is going to be the annual Multicultural Festival on Saturday which would be great for the kids all well because they have jumpers and crafts that they can start doing and learning about. It's a very big day for me I feel, so I can't help but to be excited and thrilled about saturday.
I also wanted to say thank you Ana for allowing him to go. I don't know if you told Art yet or not but I am happy that you are trusting your son in my hands. I know our kids can be very strong little brothers if they continue their interaction besides obticles they will always have. But I am sure that if our friendship continues, their family values and our families' will continue to grow in maturity and understanding of our out of normal will to continue with peace and acceptance of each other.
We have our strong differences and similarities and I think that is what has made us work through the huge conroversies of friends and close family members but through it all we will keep moving forward. I will be honest I know I wasn't always supported by friends or even family members about our open communication which I am sure that you have had the same especially since Danny was born but with faith and our strong pull to move forward and look for a better future of our family we continue to strive and be best. I want to say "Thank You for everything I have learned so much through you!" " I don't think I have ever met another person who i felt I had such a strong connection or even interests as you. Not even any of my friends i have had my whole little insignificant life. You are one of a kind and I know I am because I have always been the ODD one out"
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