Charlotte's Web and Where the Red Fern Grows and The Giving Tree
I almost think that everybody has had the opportunity to read them especially as a child. Charlotte's Web was first read in the 3rd grade by my teacher Ms. Cuxil. She was such a sweet and lovely teacher that when she read it with such enthusiasm and joy that I later read it and loved it. It is one of the books I now own. I haven't read it recently but I know I will share it with my son when he gets a little older.
Then there is Where the Red Fern Grows I don't remember where I heard the story but I am sure it was at school. I remember when I started reading that book on my own I just couldn't put it down. When I was getting to the final pages they were so heart felt I cried. I was young but I was able to feel the words of the author and I also enjoyed it very much. And finally, The Giving Tree I think this short story is the best one of all. The symbolism is so deep that I feel that although it's a children's book the book is more understood by adults. This book gives to both Adults and children. And sadly, this one also made me cry.
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