Today was a super long day. Well firstly I woke up, right there is nothing unusual about that otherwise I would not be writing

. Well woke up today and well my mom was massaged a couple of people. She has mentioned she wanted to go to a funeral for this lady, friend of her Aunt's. But she ended up working there was just no time.
Well one thing that I started seeing Danny do is go to the restroom by himself. He wont even tell us, he just goes to the restroom puts his undies down and goes. Today he went poop twice but of course I went to go help him. But I found it so odd that when he would go pee he would just go to the restroom and when I would least know it hear the toilet flushing.

I was quite pleased seeing as though I started taking away the diaper last thursday so he has something to look forward to going to the birthday party. Well today he started asking for his diapers and I told him no. Of course I am not going to allow him as much as I can. He understood and kept going to the restroom. I think he is doing progressively good for only taking his little hiding mask away.But I will see his progress. I had high hopes...

Today I was talking to Miriam and it was nice I mean I hadn't spoken to her since the last time they were down here with Mabel. It was weird because I wasn't expecting her message. She was in TJ with her aunts. We were talking about Danny so I send them a few pictures of Danny and some with both little brothers today. They want to meet Danny and I remember Mabel insisting me on going to TJ many years ago for them to meet Danny and then her Mom's death occurred.

But I am had high hopes that they will sometime soon get to meet him. It is only right since they are his family. Also, later on Mabel called and she came over for a little while and another little girl friend requested me and she said she was "Miriam and jr's" cousin. She is Maria Luisa. She was a sweet little girl but I ended having to cut the conversation short and even leave while Mabel was there talking to my mom.

Well I had received a texted on my phone at around 4:09pm but I didn't think much of it. Well I wanted to see it but Verizon wouldn't allow me to open it. I have limited access because my boss hasn't paid my whole phone but it's okay right?

It was a Text or probably a picture from Cristal and I found it weird because I had just seen her on saturday. Well my sister ended up staying at work for an extra hour and she called me on my phone because that I can receive... calls and regular texts, well she calls me and says, "Did Cristal have her baby already?" and I was

shocked and breath taken for a second. We tried calling her and there was no answer. I was worried so I told my sister to call Tia Socorrito and well my sister asked her about Cristal but she woudl go around the question. My sister is pretty up front so kept insisting until she got out a little out of her. Well we found out she was in Arrowhead and headed her way right away.
Well we found her she was doing great talking, joking but she and the doctors were unsure of why the baby came so early. She had just had an ultra soud which said she was 5 1/2 months pregnant and when the baby was born they told ger she was 26 weeks and then they told her that the baby was 28 weeks, so she was like 7 months... and still had 3 more months to go, a full term pregnancy is 38-40 weeks. The baby will stay there for probably a couple of months until He is fully developed. He weighed under 2 pounds so he has a long way to go. She said that when she got to the hospital they were going to check her and I guess her water broke. The baby was born within like 15 minutes of her arrival. She said since the baby was so young he was still breach but since he was so little his lefs came out first and then the head without a problem. She said that if she is doing as well as she was today she can go home tomorrow but of course the baby stays.
Then I got home and well I knew my mom was sick but Danny is now sick too.

I went to the store bought him pedialyte. I got home and well they had put a diaper on him so I changed his diaper gave him a spoon full of tynenol to decrease his fever and gave him pedialyte. I took him to bed and put him to sleep I am hoping he gets better

. I hate seeing kids being sick... I get frustrated and vulnerable. I honestly never know what to do, I freak out. But I do try and stay calm to show my parents that I can handle but deep inside I afraid and

. I pray he is doing better by morning... Otherwise I will have to watch Danny and mom get better because we cannot afford to go to the doctors...

I know he will be better.
Well noe that I have written about everything... how about me... hahaha

well no there is no smile in my face. I have been having this headache not in my right opcipital but in my forehead... it's almost as though I have this pressure and I have been sneezing/allergies... I think I have sinusitis... that is what i think but I am not sure, you know? On top od that there are 2 nerves on my neck that are inflamated... My mom massages my neck a little and it felt good but I don't want her to do it while she is sick because she uses too much energy and she can get worse. She told me she wanted to give me a push body massage but as much as I would love it if she does give me the massage a few things would be discovered and I would have some explaining to do. I wont be able to tell her I was burned but fixing my hair. Am I going to have to say... " Mom, I am sorry you don't or didn't know me but I use to be a very depressed person and I easily fall back into the it"... I don't know but it's not going to be the easiest thing to explain to a mother who has never understood people who are depressed... I don't know...