This past weekend Johnson and I saw Maria Full of Grace and even though the movie brought so many topics into my mind like life, love related, single-motherhood, drug trafficking, immigration, coming to a country to have a baby for more opportunities, but the fact was that one thing kept coming into mind....
There so many people that live in other countries and don't have the luxury to even the simple things we are so use to having nowadays like phones, toilets in the building, clothes, shoes, food, and even though we don't have jobs I'm sure you have more money not having a job then some people in some countries who do have jobs and make nothing per week and yet that covers what the family needs for supplies and food.
A couple weeks ago I was listening to the radio and they were bringing water awareness of sanitation around the world and how many people die around the world because they don't have proper restrooms and sanitation. I think that is one of the things we may take for granted. It actual made me remember when I was young, like 8 years ago I went to Mexico and there was no restrooms. Well actually there might be a few here and there but you had to be of money to have some. I stayed with my grandma's they didn't have any. That's the real squatting and it's no fun.
As bad as some house are built here there are still regulations and they're all good for living conditions. How many people in other places do not even have good living conditions. You have many people sharing the one room and other's sleeping in the kitchen dirt floor.
Those are a couple of things that I started thinking about and I know that some family is still affected by so it's not fake it's realistic.
Kids these days take schools for granted. How many kids in other countries still wishes they were able to have the education they want. I know my mom didn't have the opportunity to go to school. Hey, but she is not dumb or stupid.
We take for granted the fresh air, we throw away food just because we don't want it anymore. And I bet you there would be a poor kid in some other country just wishing he found that to feed himself and who knows if another sibling.
What have you taken for granted this year? What are you Thankful for?
Count your blessings and be thankful for everything you have!!!!
I'm sure you have worked hard for it but there are many people around the world who just don't have the same luck. They just happened to have been born there or just happen to not be as lucky as you.
Aren't we lucky we were born here? I'm sure that if we weren't we would have wanted to....
Others in other countries do say that We ARE the COUNTRY of opportunities!! Even though the hard times, why do you think they think that? And how bad must they be in to think that?!?!
Be grateful you have the ability to shower everyday. You have electricity and gas... running water...what else?
And you know what? The sad thing is that it's not only about other countries either. We have that here in the US? How about you spread the love and help someone in need out. Times are hard for all but a little something of food here and there goes a long way. And it will make you feel better to give. Giving is the best act of love there. Love thy neighbor!
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