For the 2 month of celebration which was not titled we just watched the Super Bowl (my first one,well that I ever watched... Call me crazy but football is fun to watch [sometimes] but I just don't get it. the only sport I just don't get... I don't know why.) And we ate home made Burgers by my love and enjoyed a whole weekend together. We went to a concert where 2 of my students made an honor band and it happened to be at my former University and we took my son. It was a lovely concert and so much musical talent.
I'm happy my son Danny actually wants to go to school and looks forward it and is always waiting for the weekends and/or thursdays just like me.
Right now the family is working on looking where to go, we don't want to be where we're living. We like the area (even though we're far from everything), we like the house, the quiet, the wind, the peace, the fresh air, but we don't like the landlord much. It's best we find another place and stick it through like a family.
I'm trying to get a job. I don't know yet what it will be but it's something that I need to do. I need money and it's time I grow up. Part of the reason I didn't have a job was yes I had other responsibilities but I loved my flexibility to be available regardless if I had something to do or not. I loved the freedom. People talk about money, and I guess I got so use to living on nothing that I conformed to. Why? I don't know but I want everything to be taken care now... I need to straighten everything out if I want my future to get better. Yes, the fact that most of my life is chaotic and unfixed was a huge reason why I also didn't let people get into a relationship with me. It's an incredible debt that I keep to myself. I hate the thought of causing a burden which is why something serious was impossible.
I know I can do it all on my own but since I expected me to be by myself for so long I didn't care about it and it would resolve when it does. Now, things have suddenly changed and I'm still caught with the uncertainty but it will be ok. When I was young I had dreams. So I went to this beautiful campus. I don't regret going there, I still go because I love the peace I feel there. But, thinking back I could have gone somewhere cheaper and I wouldn't be here but I wouldn't have had those experiences or been with my high school friends in college. I made very few friends but my trouble is I don't let people too close. I don't know why... I guess I feel I'm going to fail them anyways why give them such disappointment anyways. If There is no closeness it wont hurt as much. Just simple. K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Stupid) People hate complication and I think I add complication. It's funny because my sibs make fun of me more than accept me but it's ok I've learned. But, I guess it's time I become normal and do something to fix it. Right now I'm playing a small waiting game and if it doesn't work then I'll just go apply somewhere else. I don't like applying in multiple places typically. I do one at a time because I hate having to choose. I guess it's always been easier to be rejected, it builds strength, you know? it sucks... sure why not but you learned but to get so attached. I suppose there are things in life you learn. And there are more things people will dislike about you.
Anyways, Ugh... that's why I don't write because i always go into other things.
The truth is that I've met this wonderful man that loves me.... enjoys spending time with me and my family... who has the patience like no other, who doesn't mind being around my son. And trust me, he needs to have patience with me [and my son]. I'm strange/weird, mean, and idk how to describe myself. I'm nice sometimes ... just sometimes. I think he's met the real me [finally] and he's still here.
My son asks when he is going to come back the day he leaves. They play video games a lot well sometimes. They spend a lot of time together. My son likes attention. It's nice watching my son so happy.
We are genuinely happy and by "we" I mean "I" am but he can speak for himself. Life is perfect. He is perfect. Life is the way it should be. The next weekend is a new step. I get to met his bro. I'm a bit nervous ...sure, but very excited. I love him and hope everything is perfect. Well nothing will ever be but I'm happy with how imperfectly perfect they are.
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