In the last few weeks I've had the great pleasure to meet some wonder xangans. I didn't think that in my long time in xanga time I would actually start meeting new people in my life well with the lovely company of my boyfriend @Cucumber_melonhead
For the longest time I was not involved in the community because of my shyness or anti-socialness .... I've always been a little awkward and/or have a hard time with people. But, Slowly being in the internet and interacting with more people I started breaking out of my shell. I do admit, not a lot but enough to be ok with people.
The first Xanga I met was Johnson @Cucumber_melonhead
"I Met a xangan" and soon after we as a couple we
met @RighteousBruin, who was a wonderful person
And as time goes I think we're forming friendships and trust.

We met @Nerdyveggiegirl on July 1st, 2012 and she is amazing. Very lovely, lively, and an awesome mom amongst other things . I know why krisko loves her so much. She was coming home with her daughter from Vegas and she knew I lived somewhere on the way home so she stopped by my house. We got to chit chat while the her daughter and my son played in the room. I learned kids will event stuff to play with with what they got... oh creative minds... and the fun part was while we talked Johnson made us a delicious dinner. More company made it that much better.
Myself, and *M*
The ladies with the awesome Chef!! =D
My son and *M*'s daughter
Johnson with 2 very beautiful ladies!
So, We met @SasGal on July 11, 2012 ... She was traveling down and she was going to be in LA. She wanted to meet and we had a tight schedule because we were leaving to Minnesota on the 12th but we made it work. Unfortunately she came from LA all the way to my house in Apple Valley and I felt so bad because I'm sure it was like a 2 hour drive. My car started acting up that day and over heated and left me stranded for a bit close to home.
She came over and we got to talk and she played with out kitten and it was fun times. The 2nd amazing and fun xangan in the month of July! She stayed a small while but she was heading to San Diego which was quite a drive from where I lived to I understood when she needed to go. It was a true joy to finally meet her and I hope one day Johnson and I can go up to Washington to say hello to her and see the beautiful green up there.
My kitten Milky loved her!
Myself, Sarah, and Johnson =D
I didn't get the memo to be goofy... lol
On July 16, 2012 the last day before our adventure was ending in Minnesota Johnson had promised Danny has we would return to Mall of America to go on a few rides on Nickelodeon Universe and we thought it would be the prefect place to Meet Krisko @GodlessLiberal... Finally got to meet him the 3rd xangan of the month of July! He was one of the friends I met here on xanga that I have had kept more in touch with even though sadly it wasn't much but it was still more than most. When we started talking we became pretty good friends, I had never had someone help me out so much with the mind of gentlemen as he did. He became a good friend and like a brother type. Not many people have that ability. We hung out for a bit and went on a few rides, talked some while johnson and my son went on a couple of rides and then on a mission for a shirt for my bro. Fun times, indeed. Wish we didn't live so darn far but I enjoyed the time we all had. It was about time.

We see krisko for the first time...whoa! =D
Krisko, and Us! yeah buddy... lol
The Boy trying to be cool... yea try a lil harder... I mean
look at these cool guys! ;P
We decided to go on the log chute. My son dictated who was assign with who.
The perfect pic of the 4 of us, the boys in line!
My son and I ... woo hoo!!!
Krisko and Johnson Weeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
Getting off was the sad part... Ahh man! =(
That was part of our day. We also got on another ride, a roller coaster. It was fun! We all screamed... haha as it should happen.
So these are some of our times meeting more of you wonderful xangans... I hope we slowly get to meet more of you! *muah* kiss to you all... well in the cheek because I reserve my lips to my one and only! =D