We're always caught up with our own lives you don't even get to know your neighbors any more. A sad life of loneliness and no trust within a community. Anyways, I got off track.
I could have been easily written this last month but i'm spacey and I forget things. November was no shave November which is to bring awareness to Men's health like for example Prostate Cancer. There are so many health problems issues that happen in our health that we're unaware unless we go get check (just like October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month).
We are so into our lives that we never think there is anything wrong until the moment that you end up in the ER. It's never too late to be checked and make sure your health is ok.
My grandpa had been diagnosed with Prostate Cancer probably around like the late 90's early 2000's the thing that happened unfortunately and I think we all do it as adults is that we disregard something like our health because we feel good,ok or we're not sick enough. And in my heritage you can say that stubbornness as the Male ego "Machismo" is very prominent in the Mexican males, not that it's not in all cultures. When he started not feeling well and ended up in the hospital they immediately tried to do everythign in their power. He had surgeries and was being treated. But, he had disregarded his health for quite sometime already.The Cancer was Controlled for years but at the end there was nothing to be done. It took control over his body and ulcers were being created in his organs and he was in pain. We saw him suffer and be on house arrest pretty must until the day he left this world.
I know people say there is no cure to cancer but if you go get checked out you can prevent and an early detection can go a long way. I love my grandpa and I miss him but when he passed away instead of feeling overwhelmed with pain I was relieved and happy. I had seen him suffer so much at that point I just wanted him to not feel that anymore. I heard how people talk about the radiation, chemo and their treatment... and recently saw 50/50, I know it was a movie but it helped me understand a few things I didn't know about it.
These are my grandparents...They're my dad's parents. They were married at the end for 58 years. They lived a long happy life with 11 children, many grand kids and great grand kids... They knew my son the most of their grand kids but for knowing your decedents life will always be to short no matter what.
This camera has the wrong date but this was a couple weeks before his death while he still was able to speak. He actually asked for the family to get together for his last message. This was my grandpa's final rest place in Ontario,California. He maybe could have been a longer with us but cancer has it's own agenda!
So, Go get checked. Be safe and never wait for the last minute. More than likely once you have some symptoms, you're already too late.
Do you have experience or advice that can help other's through the process of dealing with Cancer? or how to cope with a love one going through a situation with Cancer?
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