I own an automatic but when I get the car I want in life as I get a hold of money, I will want a manual too ... Well, if everything goes according to plan but if not I'll be happy with life as it is.
Yes, guys like to have some sort of control and sometimes you lose it. Now, I picture some younger guys trying to take control specially when they get their first car... but is that a reason why they might want to own a manual car? what do you think?
It's a useful skill to have no doubt.
I have my 19 yr old brother. He wants a car and found one he likes, 5 speed, Honda Civic SI. This will be his first car. Not to say I'm jealous but I am. I got my car with help because I've been here for the last 4 years and then some (if you know the story great if not read back) so my bro has always been one to ask and ask.... he's always been a little selfish. More the I want something now whether it's in the reach or not. He has a gf and lil boy which he had his senior in HS. He was still being bottle fed when he had baby. He's never known real independence and it makes me sad he's still asking and asking knowing it can't be done but that my parents will try and help. Here's an extra catch. He wants this cars really bad but guess what?He doesn't drive stick?!!! He wants it bad... I was telling him to wait. He stubborn, we all are. And he's the most selfish, so why?
He's going to be leaving for boot camp in March. I guess the condition from my mom will be that if they can manage to get the car he will have to leave it behind when he leaves with us. Which can mean I will have an extra car, jk... but can you imagine how expensive insurance will be for him. His first car, he just got his license a couple months back. No experience. I think he should downgrade from what he wants (the car is salvage anyways) and he will eventually get the money for a car he wants but he can't be about just give me, give me ...
We've had real struggles in life and what did all my siblings do? Disperse and try to pretend everything was ok. Ignoring a situation never make it go away, but it's sure easy to feed on the sacrifice that we have made. I guess it makes me mad. (sorry, it's been a hard road) See I look for reason and buying something that will be an asset. Now, he's just doing it for the joy and its more expensive than the car I got. My mom had said she would help with $1000 for each of them if she could and he's pushing it 5-6 times that... saying he will payback.I doubt it... :/ See, I've gained the trust from my parents to sometime manage the little money they have, it's stressful so when my siblings are coming to me for approval when I'm trying to save money and makes sure we can be ok on bills, of course I'm not going to approve or give them thee look. And then they go to mommy and say well she doesn't care... Yes, I don't because he only thinks of himself.
why want something you can't drive just yet, anyways? I can't say I know how to drive it either, it's been years since I driven a manual car.... like 7 yrs. I wont trust my self.
We're going to see the car today in Los Angeles... My mom and I already have a packed day with errands. And drive 2 hours close to LAX. he's inconsiderate. I'm sorry, but I'm upset...
Since he doesn't drive stick, I was trying to see if a friend of mine would check it out. He works in Fontana usually during the day. You know how uncomfortable it's to ask a friend if he can drive to help out and last minute bc lil bro set up appointment without thinking. I doubt my friend will be able to go but we'll see...
Anyways, What do you prefer a Manual car or Automatic and why? I really want to know!!!
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