The sad part came when people were taken to the hospital for alcohol poisoning... obviously OD-ing with alcohol. To be honest, I still don't know how people were able to such a level of alcohol in their systems but obviously not knowing their limits... right...
I, after a bad moment in life, got really drunk too... first time in my life I ever forgot part of my night... not good (the story of how everything is a story for another time) but my room mate and a frat sister watched over me... but as a result I did quit drinking for like a year plus...
But, I know people still do it here and there have fun, relax and enjoy ... and I don't find anything wrong with it... Every once in a while doesn't do you any harm... well that's my take even though the majority agree and a few don't...
Okay, now let's say the fun and games are over but there are a few who continue drinking... slowly day in and day out... drinking alone and no longer in the company of friends... drinks after work and can't function as a person very much...
It wont happen to you... ok I hope not... but i've been hearing of stories of people I know close by who are struggling with their Husbands, Boyfriends, Men who drink ... yea, they have jobs and work but the relationship is deteriorating... They're not contributing and There is now ... yup spousal abuse...
It may seem a lil extreme but to this person I know, it's not... it's real life... a 4 month old and now pregnant again... and well she just realized who was sleeping next to her, a monster (no offense men) but I would hate if my life ever ended up there...
When does it get past the point of innocent fun to the abuse of a loved one? The more I hear this of women suffering with their men over do it, the more I convince my self that a person who rarely drinks to none is better for my life. Socially is fine there is nothing wrong with as long as they don't party every.
Or hey I can have a few drinks and they can be DD haha well some hispanic households the female is DD ... but that's not the point. And I know that there are men who get abused by drunk women too ...
So still, How does one get past the point of innocent fun to the abuse of the loved one?
And, again I realize not everybody does that... but there are a few and that's more than enough...
I'm starting to realize how some people choose to go the non-alcoholic way...
As far as I'm seeing, it's causing more problems in people I know than not... I would like to one day be happy... and only time can tell but as far as I am paying more attention and the more I think about things... my questions are being answered with out asking for the answer... I think God is truly guiding me... it's a strange feeling but I feel that the more I wonder the more answers I'm getting.... It's a good feeling ...
Hope my thoughts were coherent... a lil tired and no not drinking =D
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