I just read a small blog based on mediocre relations that lay ahead after your first love and yea you need to dig through sh*t to find the adequate person for you to spend your life. Most will be mediocre until you find your one true love and even though you might feel as though they might not quite meet the expectations as your first love (which would have been your first at everything or first at love).. I am sure that once you meet your one you will see you were blinded by nostalgia and weren't giving yourself a true opportunity to be happy. The person that you end up staying with you will make you the happiest person in the world. Well the goal is to try your best. You as a couple are meant to "bring out the best out of each other" and if you're not then either work on that or there is someone better for you out there.
And please don't compare your now person with you ex... it can pressure your new person to feeling unworthy...
Be patient and stop being so depressed... be happy, go out, have fun, enjoy your friends, do hobbies... don't change your life because all of sudden you feel like you're missing something or someone in you life. You're a whole person and no one will ever complete you but yourself. A Person will compliment you and add spice/flavor to you but you were never really broken to begin with so stop thinking in that mentality. The only time 2 halves become a whole is in the chromosomes of when a baby is being made and that's it... lol! Be yourself and be happy and the person who is meant for you will be... Don't wait around, don't force yourself and it will happen when you least expect. :)
Hope this made sense!
Does anybody else have something to add?!?!
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