and we all got to talk while I worked on my mom. Oh the wonders of the internet....
It's not always about what we do for ourselves but we still have to do for ourselves but more what we do for others and save for them when they could have spent money they didn't have.
I guess lately I've been more willing to give and handle it with out a complaint. Life is beautiful and why waste it in total unhappiness. I am realizing more and more why I am yet to have a relationship and why I sometimes crave it but then I really start thinking of what I sometimes want and realize that I am actually happy. It's not that I don't want it or need it but I start thinking of how much I am helping my fam with their issues and leaving them would be a burden.
Sometimes in life you think forever and then your life takes a different course. Finding or trusting someone to make you feel the forever feeling isn't the same anymore. It's not easy to allow yourself to be so open to being heart broken. Been heart broken once and pretty bad for that matter and I am yet to find someone who I am willing to let down my guard for a good ol' fashionable heart I know when you find the person or a person you just don't think but when it doesn't happen you still think, lol.
Either way whether there are men or not in my life I still feel happier than ever before. And you know what the best part is being happy... loving yourself for who you are, where you're going and if someone great happens to come along then you add then to your already happy life, you know? Not expect that a person or asume that you're waiting for this marvelous person who will complete you or magically make you happy. I use to think that I was waiting for Mr. Right and then and only when I did meet him I would be happy and that is a bogus and false illusion many young women have. But I think that with the year and being single for a lil over half a decade, lol, Decade makes it sound so old. I think I needed to find myself. See who I was and what was my purpose in life and I think I am beginning to find it. I, also, didn't want to be one of those wives works all day and didn't care for the needs of my kids or my husband or just a housewife without any talents. Now I know that I can contribute to a household by still maintaining it and being able to work. I think the best reward is when you can do both and manage to be able to set a dinner time and have ready for the fam and manage to also care for yourself. I am think I would be a 50's wife with a 21st century twist. But we'll see when it does happen. I also want to take care of all my school loans so that when I do get married (if) I have no debt and there is nothing but what ever life throws at you. I always feel that if you go to school it should be your responsibility not someone else's. It's mainly to better yourself and be able to do something to help out. Not make more of a cost to maybe "try" and do something.
If we are women willing to take on these roles we also need to take responsibility. I would eventually want to go and finish my second major so I can go to grad school and who knows from there. But, it's going to be hard because we also have to maintain the strength to pull it together... be a super women, if you will. Because more than likely you will have kids and maybe a husband so how can you juggle it all and keep a happy husband and food on the table for hungry and growing kids...
I am done...
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