Him: I just sent you mail
me: Oh ok
Him: just lettin you "You Got Mail"
me: thanks
Him: so what are you up to gurl?
me: nothing much...just woke up from a nap and thinking about cleaning...typical girl stuff...lol...you? What have you been up to?
Him: lol, i see nothing much, just the usual...workin, thats about it the...
[the conversation started as a usual talking and catching up with a friend, we talked about work and family and about teaching music and both our kids interests... forming a little band...I am going to start in this convo and so you're not lost at the beginning he has mentioned he sent me mail]
Message~ "hey cutie, I see you stay lookin good
I'm doin well, my son is good...thanks for asking, I appreciate that. It is a great deal tho, I knw your son is 3 but just buy your ticket and is they ask, say he's 2 & half, get him in for free...they're not gonna ask for no I.D or anything like that, they cant just say "no he's not" ya know. I hope you can put it to good use too. Thanks for the compliment, I taste sweet too, dnt knw if you remember that
and I wrote to him "thanks, you flirt! lol
It is a good deal but people already tell me that he looks like a 4 year old but I mean what is double if we really have fun, right?
I don't remember how sweet you are... lol... After a while I have lost sight of socializing... I don't know anything that is out there in the movie world. The last movie I saw was "up" because I took danny.." So in the next convo it makes sense]
me: last season he loved watching America's best dance crew and wanted to have one of his own.
Him: yea? Ilike that too. I just got yoou message mail. I amkinf of a flirt, maybe
me: Yeah, kind of... lol
Him: lol just a lil
me: I don't think kind of lol
Him: yea, not kinda... but you cant blame me tho
me: never blame people for being themselves honesty is always appreciated
Him: yea, especially when I'm talking to a cute woman, ya know...
man your fast on the typing
me:oh geez...lol no not really
Him: lol
me:but sometimes I have to practiceI thought you were a computer guy
Him:I am but sometimes, I'm kinda thinking while I type and yea its a lil slow sometimes
me, not my brain...lol
me: what are you saying that I don't think while I type
lol you not the brain that is good
Him: lol no not that
me: sure sure not that huh
Him: lol fo rel
me:I just type not think
lol (and we keep talking a little on typing)
I always try and work on my accuracy on typing and speed
Him: do you really
me: just because I would like to get some clerical job.
Him: get outta here, yea?
me:maybe sosmetime I still thinkof it yeah I do
Him: right, right...ok
me: sometimes trying to do that you can't think too much
Him: no, not at all...you just gotta type
me: you just have to do... and besides my lap top os little so it's easier to make mistakes
Him: what, you got that notebook?
me: While I was at Redlands that is all I would do and it was very Exhausting mentally but loved it
I have the lil eee mini notebook
Him: well as long as you love it thats kool
me:sometimes...lol I like doing things that involve computers that way I can be online at the same time
Him: lol, sometimes is better than none
yea, thats always good
me: with my lil lap top I always try and find some singnal
I know I shouldn't steal but if it's unatended oh well
Him: why, you dont get good signal?....so you dont remember if I taste sweet huh
it is what it is, everyone does that
me: Oh I do at home...when I am driving around
I wish I was psychic and i could guess the network key to all secure networks...lol
Him: that would be nice
me:I remember the last time we kissed.... in like the end of April 2005
See I bet you didn't remember that... lol ( I know weird I remembered... but since I found out I was pregnant on May 1st... it makes sense I and seem him a few days before.. that memorable week)
Him: lol, no I didnt remember the date ( I know he didn't... he had been turned on and I left...he never got anything sexual from me)
me: so many things happened during that time frame... it's hard to forget time of events for every day it was a tough week for me
Him: I do remember the kiss tho my thing froze up, did you say anything/type anything?
me:no did you get ~it was a tough week
Him: get what? oh, nah you mean the week we kissed? was tough
me: yeah so many event s happened in which I was saddened
Him: fo real, how come I never knew about that...maybe cause I didnt ask and you didnt tell (The reason he didn't know was because he never called me again... and well things got rough for me... and I was going to call someone and let him know everything that was going on... he wouldn't have listened...)
me:yeah but it was best that way... you would have hated me anyways
Him: hated you? I dnt know about that but thats the way you wnated it, maybe it was for the best, I dnt know tho...you remeber our first date? well it was really our only dt *date
me: well at the end of that week I found out I was pregnant... so shocking....
of course I remember the first and only date it was very sweet we went to go see hitch
Him: oh sh*t, yea...I would have been like...whaaat.
me:and you ran a stop sign and almost got in a car accident
Him: yea we did I'm glad you remember I was about to bring that up
me:yeah I remember
Him: I did...MAN! I couldnt belive that, I almost go us killed out there
it was a hell of a first date, cant forget that
me: that was the best date I had ever gone to lol
Him: really? stop playin
me: it was a hell of a date but memorable
really... it was
all the dates that I ever had with Art always ended with him making me cry and feel guilty
me: well I'm really happy it was, it was great date for me too
me:I am glad... the movie chose made it a lil awkward though...lol
Him: lol, why was that?
me: I don't know... it was hitch... how guys can supposedly get girls and they tricks and techniques on how to win them over
I don't know .... it was like an ambush...lol
Him: lol, yea...i can see why
well, it turned out very well
me: that was the only thing but I was happy I got to see it though, it did
Him: like I said tho, I'm happy I was your best date you've ever had or had....made you smile at the end, not cry, I would never wanna do that
me: you did make me smile...
Him: now...do you remember..knotts?
scary farm (The strange thing was that I don't know why he was reminding me of all of this... that has been like 5 years now... a long time. Was very confused)
me: hahaha...yeah... with my weird pony tails and the black pants with an orange and hot pink shirt...
I remember
I was weird...
Him: lol, kinda...but I ended up holding you a lil and your hand, a lil
me: you kept protecting me from those monsters ad yeah holding my hand
I remmeber....
Him: of course, I had to protect you
and it felt good doing it too
(yeah, I didn't really need protection and well I didn't do anything but he really, I mean he really thought I was scared then... never told him or showed him other wise... the one who was really petrified was Brittany)
Him: lol, it did tho thats made it a good time for me there.....you
*thats what just woulda been nice if went out/got together a couple more times
but when we did, it was good
me: yeah... there were too many gaps in betwen seeing each other
(hate to be sour milk but the truth was the truth and it was in the past... quite nostalgic but still in the past)
Him: yeah, too many
me: yeah that was what made it hard...,
Him: i know, it did....cause i did think about you too (yeah, so much he called me a lot or often since the last supposable memorable kiss... [being sarcastic by the way])
I mean, the last time we've seen each other was on my birthday and that was like what 2yrs ago? and my bad I didnt really get to talk to you a lot they guys had be kinda locked in over on the side
me: no worries yeah it's been a while
Him: you looked great by the way, you were lookin real good
me:sometimes things are that wayHim: yeame: I don't think so ...
Him: thats true lol well I do think so
me: thank you
Him: no need to thank me but your very welcome
me: things change so fast and keep moving forward
(had to be honest such a long time and life doesn't stop it just keeps going)
Him: yea, they do....fast is the right word sometimes almost too fastHim:we should probably get together someitme, lunch or whatever, its been a long long time
i know your pretty busy tho, i'm just sayin
me: maybe...,yeah sometimesHim: I'll take that, better than a no (I guess he was thinking I was going to say a def no or a def yes... what was I suppose to yes... oh yea... let'sgo on a lunch date put our regular lives on hold...I don't know)
Him: here's my number...I dnt expect you to call me today or 2mrrw but whenever you want to hit me up or just talk....909-XXX-XX48
me: lol you're funny k (I was seriously laughing at the "I'll take that, better than a no")
Him:lol, why? I just am huh
me: about the today , tomorrow thing
Him: nah, its cool, it made me laughme: I'll give you my number too(I figured I would give him mine... I am less likely to call him than he is... maybe he is really interested...idk... I am not interested in calling people... I call too many people for work)
Him: dont be sorryme: 909XXX6XX2
me: I guess sometimes i don't answer at the correct time and that is what I get
Him: lol, yea....that happens sometimes its ok i bee thru itme: lol, it that your house or cell
Him: I got your number, its in the contacts
cell what about yours?
me: cell we don't have a home phone right now lolHim: we dont either lol so its all goodwell I'm about to log off...but I will be hitting you up or you can call me...so I will talk to you sooner than later no need to apologize, cause I dont know if you ever knew it...its Ortez
Me: yeah we'll do that... maybe you'll be faster with my weird times... I am always free but not to makes call...
hahah weird but yeah... either way we'll be in contact soon (I hope it didn't sound rude...I really don't have time to make calls... I am usually very busy doing something but I always take a call when I receive him)
Him: lol, ok...guess I'll be the one to call
me: thank...
Him: yea, real soon (we'll so far it's been like 3 days or so and counting... I mean ifhe doesn'tcall he doesn't and if he does what am I suppose to say)
me: k
Him: bye cutie
me: bye (was I suppose to say good bye in a different way or just bye was fine. In reality I am not the one trying to impress any one right... or should I have tried a litttle more... I don't know)
this is a little something of what happened... I willl edit it tomorrow...
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