So this weekend was very interesting but it was great! We will start with Friday evening. Well I was in Redlands because wew had an emergency affiliation meeting. It was a beautiful meeting... When we were Affiliated a little while back, it almost made me tear up. It felt just like it did the day we were initiated into this cherished sistergood and it really is because even though there were rough time during college I think that when I joined the Alumni Association I still feel this stonger bond and even more excitemement. well while I was there I kept getting a call and it was (626) area code number and I found it odd... they were very insistant but since I was at the meeting I kept ignoring but I was curious at why the person kept trying to call well they finally left a message the last time. It was a lady saying she wanted to get in contact with me and wanted to by a Gel juice. So I called her and talked to her on why the product should be bought or sold in the Swap meet... We set up an apppintment to talk... she said 9:30 would be great so it was set on my calender. Saturday morning I had to wake up extremely early because I had to take my mom to the gas station right across from Edwards next to the mall, that is the place where the bus stops for her when they are heading out to Laugling with her leader. I took her there at 6am and came home got ready packed the car and headed out. I went to go visit her and we started mostly as socializing because that is how it's suppose to work.... establishh a friendship and trust. I spoke to her a little of everything and she became very interested... she was happily motivated. .. although for a small while she refused the application but I slowly explained the benefits...We ended our meeting on a happy note and a happy customer...

After that I went to get some money from my step mom. Then I went to go see my son and had the opportunity to hang out with my son. Lately I have been so busy I feel like I am spending less time with him. Well my mom called me back at like 11pm so I went to go pick her up and came back home.
Sunday we went to my Aunt Petra's house and she had a small party for all her kids... they are had a birthday with a week span. I don't know why I was anxious but I really needed to get out. So we did. I went for a drive. My sister wanted to go to the store to get change or something...

so I wanted to explore a little... I started driving South on Del Mar Ave. and well I was a little confused and lost so I went straight until O found a semi big street and turned right. I put my nativator to take me to some store... so thhat street ended up leading to 60 freeway and my brother recognized that La Senora Elvira lived around there... so after he mentioned that I knew exactly where I was. The former FLP meeting were on the right right of where we were going to get the free going East... well as I was on the freeway it said to gett off on Rosemead... and I saw Whittier Narrow... beautiful we use to go to ... then kept going passed the swap meet we grew up in and then we turned left on Garvey but I think we were suppose to head right... oh well I got tired so I told my sister you know what we just went in a huge circle. As we were driving by we had decided to head back to the party then we saw a Rick's so we thought of our Uncle in Alhambra... We decided too head to his restaurant... That was a one of the chains of which he owns but he doesn't own the one we saw. So we headed down San Gabriel Blvd and then turned intoo Angelino... (all childhood memories)drove by our little old house and through our old memory lane... (Main St) we lived in 410 1/2 Main st... and even saw the dredful traintracks that to this days still gives me nightmares... then we drove through the park and just reminicenced on all the old memories...we we close to the Sann Gabriel Mission but didn't stop there... any bog event we still go there and it's forever engraved in our hearts... so we just went around it and went to the restaurant... We hurried and paid because we didn't want our uncle to give us free food... we or well I don't like to feel like a moocher... I don't know... I feel guilty about it. I don't know why... but it was nice talking to him for a while. I think we were out for quite some time maybe a few hours and decided to head back....
Well didn't get back home to Fontana untill like close to midnight... so you can imagine such a tiring weekened...
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