Well it was weird but my friend Ana asked me today, " just wondering why you were emotionally confused???
It was in my inbox. I don't know but yesterday I had put I was emotionally confused... weird thing to put but I wrote back to her, "I was a few days ago. Idk . . . I was feeling a little weird like a wanted a bf for a brief moment but that's over with. It was one of those irritating annoying feelings. Lol. . .

I was just watching romantic flicks and sometimes we want whats unrealistic and sweet. So yea that's why i was feeding that way. :) i know weird huh. . . Haha"

There are brief moments in time or life where you just feel different and you sometimes can't explain. All you do is write down exactly what you feel. Although I can honestly say I do feel a little disappointed and down today.

I really wanted to go out and be out for a little but then again I am glad that I stayed home because the way I feel would have been irritated. It's just that I get so tired of being home and now more than ever I just want to go out and hang out for a little while. I really don't care but I want to have fun.

All I do is do everything everybody needs and work and deal with people and I know I should relax. I think I've paid part of my dues. I have so many things on my mind and it's frustrating at times. I don't know what to talk about. Well I guess i was really confused because sure there are times I still think about being in a relationship in my future. There are times I feel sad and why wouldn't I, I mean I am by myself and sometimes that's just not enough. You know what I mean? Like any girl... who doesn't feel or get lonely. There are times we need support, someone to talk to, make us mad, relax... I don't know but at times to just miss everything it doesn't matter. At times we prefer being with our loved one... than being lonely. I know there is nothing I can do about that now but I have high hopes that I will meet someone compatible to me in the future. I also know it's in vain to think about it because it will happen when it should. Time cannot be sped up and I mean I am happy but I don't know. *shrug*

What can I do? nothing...
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