ok, so right now my mission has been to find Microsoft Office. Well primarily because I need to do or actually finish a powerpoint presentation that will be given in Los Angeles. Well, I did the presentation but it's a competition for some one else. Well I just did it and she is going to present it. It's a make-up presentation so there have been many pictures and trying to put all her points together. Granted the make-up was on me. But, it has kept me very busy the last 2 days. But, the final date to turn it in is tomorrow and it should have been two days ago but since she was just old yesterday it was almost imposble.
This was on Jan. 27, 2007
Day Make-up

Night Make-up

But, she wasn't too satisfied so we did a retake today. So we're going to replace those with these next ones that she liked.
Day Make-up

Night Make-up

The night make-up almost looks the same it's just that this time she a little a little something with my hair and I put on my Concert dress that I use to use. This dress sure has been worth every penny.
The day make is a little different. The colors change but I guess there has to be a difference. I don't know how I feel about them but she seems to like them.
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