Mommy's Accident
It was Sunday night and I knew my mom was suppose to be home soon because she had gone to some class in LA. The class was suppose to be over like around 10 but it could have gone until 11pm. Well I guess You can say it then starts Monday morning... 7/21/08. It was 12:30 am and I come out of my room from cleaning and going to get water from the fridge. I see my dad sleeping in the couch while sitting. I found that quite odd but I went for my water anyways. As I was walking back to my room I asked my dad if my mom had come home already and he said yea, she's in the room sleeping. So Then I just assumed they had a fight and he was staying in the couch or something. But then he looked out the window. So I asked him, "What are you waiting for you should still go to bed" and he said no I am waiting for somebody. Who? Some lady, he said... "some lady, ok..." I thought, "who is coming?" and he said nobody... "well good night, dad." I walked down the hall and saw that their room was close and I thought about going to see how my mom's thing had gone through the weekend but then I thought maybe she's really tired... I'll ask her in the morning... I went to sleep.
At around 2:10 or so dad wakes me up and I honestly do not remember how I got to his room but I remember I was in dream state while he woke me and was trying to talk to me. Anyways I was in his room and he told me to go get dress, "your mom was in an accident!" I was a little scared. I had so many questions running through my head... How did this happen? Where did it happen? How is she? Well we got to the Hospital at around 2:30am and checked in to the ER. They asked us for the adress and Emergency numbers but we really wanted to see her... She called and told us that the doctor was seeing her at the moment so they would call us back or somebody would come to escort us to the back...
We we sat down and waiting while watching the weather chanel. It was very interesting... Two hurricanes were about to hit. So it was now 4:00 and nothing. I wanted to go see but there was nobody at the reception desk so I waited. I believe we didn't get to go in until like 4:30am... Three of the four ladies were in the Trauma section. The other was in Loma Linda Hospital. The Accident happend in Chino and they were all taken pretty far... Arrowhead Regional in Colton and well Loma Linda city... But, When we went ...
this is what we saw:

I swear I know I couldn't hold my tears. I was scared... She was covered and all we could hear is her moaning in pain,softly and slowly, "Ay....ay"
They told us she has flown out of the car and all of them very very lucky to be alive. The van they were in was completely totaled. Aparently what happened was that they were struck from behind at an alarming speed.
The report says that they were hit from behind by a black 2008 Lexus gs350. Which was aparently driving 90 miles/hour it was said that the young man driving the car was possibly drunk but we had been unable to find out anything. The Van my mom was in was a 2007 Honda Odyssey... Both cars totaled and everybody ended in the hospital. She was in the hospital from monday through friday evening... She had a fractured arm, and pelvic right bone but she can kind of walk although it hurts her a lot. She also had a reall bad hit in her haed.When she went to her 2 week check up she had them check her left ring finger which hurt her a lot and they call this past friday for and appointment for today. It came out that she had a fracture in her finger as well. So today they cast it for a month. I am just glad that she is doing better although in pain.
They did cat scans and MRIs because she had bled internally in her head and were afraid they were going to have to do surgery to take the blood out but found out it would heal on it's own. That was the good news the bad news was that they found a growth in her head. Which the Doctors said shouldn't be a problem because it's benign but they cannot remove it completely because it can cause her to bleed to death since it's wrapped around a vein. But he said that if there were any problems they could remove some of` qit and she would be fine. It's in her a Meningoma in her right opcipital...
So yeah, that's the update for now...
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