Although earlier that afternoon I had a Doctor's appointment and theywere not prepared at all.They were asking me when I was going to takesome tests or if I had taken any and those were the test they weresuppose to be talking to me about. I took them 2 weeks ago in my lastappointment , I was mad.
Oh and after the concert I was happy because I went to dinner with allmy friends and it was very nice although I had all this work to bedone. I took my book and tried ! I love all you guys!!!!!
This morning I was tired b/c I went to sleep at 1am doing homework andwoke up at 5am also doing homework. I finished like around 7:15, justin time to get ready for my 8 o'clock class. Life is good , I took anap right before recital rep although I still have my headache but Ithink I feel a bit better.
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