Friday, October 21, 2005
it's so hard to believe a person can actually have the feeling ofsomething moving inside and it being normal. My baby moves so much now, it's like I wonder how he's going to be when he's born.But at least Icould sleep well at night b/c it seems like everybody thinks that thebaby is suppose to keep me up , but YAY, for me , 9 more weeks to go.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
I was really happy last night because it had been more than a year thatmy parents had actually came down and watched one of my Wind Ensembleconcerts.
I got spend a little bit of time with them in my room and the whole family got to see my own decorated room...hehe!
Although earlier that afternoon I had a Doctor's appointment and theywere not prepared at all.They were asking me when I was going to takesome tests or if I had taken any and those were the test they weresuppose to be talking to me about. I took them 2 weeks ago in my lastappointment , I was mad.
I am not the one that has to inform the doctor, I mean they have my files ... you know , I thought it was very irresponsible.
Oh and after the concert I was happy because I went to dinner with allmy friends and it was very nice although I had all this work to bedone. I took my book and tried ! I love all you guys!!!!!
Oh yeah , Nicole came down to see out concert and it was great to seeher again, and she brought a friend that is also a flute player atCSSB, thanks for coming. And I also got to see one of my old sis's fromSAI , Laura, I was very excited to see her it had been a small while.It was a very nice night!!!!
This morning I was tired b/c I went to sleep at 1am doing homework andwoke up at 5am also doing homework. I finished like around 7:15, justin time to get ready for my 8 o'clock class. Life is good , I took anap right before recital rep although I still have my headache but Ithink I feel a bit better.
Although earlier that afternoon I had a Doctor's appointment and theywere not prepared at all.They were asking me when I was going to takesome tests or if I had taken any and those were the test they weresuppose to be talking to me about. I took them 2 weeks ago in my lastappointment , I was mad.
Oh and after the concert I was happy because I went to dinner with allmy friends and it was very nice although I had all this work to bedone. I took my book and tried ! I love all you guys!!!!!
This morning I was tired b/c I went to sleep at 1am doing homework andwoke up at 5am also doing homework. I finished like around 7:15, justin time to get ready for my 8 o'clock class. Life is good , I took anap right before recital rep although I still have my headache but Ithink I feel a bit better.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
well last night I had a wonderingful dream...but like I said it was a dream. Well I dreamed first of all that I was sad but then I saw these 2 beautiful baby boys. I had had twins.. they were so cute and and I was very excited. My mom was very protective of the. Them one day my ex comes around and tell my mom that he wants to talk to me but she says that he owes her money and he sid that he would pay as long as he got to talk to me but he still didn't want anything with the babies . But then I went to them and he followed, he saw hoe beautiful they were and became excited. He was so happy about them that he wanted to to start spending more time with them. That was the happiest moment of m life to see his smile with our children and be happy to be a parent. I this dream was a very happy moment but then I woke up. I realize that I am not having twins and besides it would probably be financially harder for me. But to see those 2 babies faces still in my mind makes me feel happy but sad b/c I still have to face reality. * sigh*
Monday, October 17, 2005
Yeah well it's been a really long time since I have logged on to this site ... I don't know I just thought the world wasn't ready to know what I was feeling then. As many of you might know or are about to find our , I am going to have a baby. Yes I am very excited although a bit worried because he is due 5 days after finals if he doesn't come out early. I have never been happier in the world but I am beginning to feel lonely again. I know I have friends and family and I love them all dearly but that is not the type of loneliness I am feeling. I am going to be a single mom and it just hurts me when I think of the baby and his future. I know I will give him everything I can , the world even,just it was promised to me but I wont break that promise. I thought I could get away with just ignoring what the reality of it and keep a strong face well sometimes I just can't. I get tired and pretending that I could do it all. I am tired id being the dependent one , when will I be the one that depends on others. Yes I have everything I need but I need more now.
I can't wait to hold my baby but I am scared of the daddy's reaction. You know I think what hurts more is that I still love him and everything gets stirred up all the time. But I don't even talk to him or call him. I just can't , he calls sometimes but I can't do it. As far as I know , he wont be involved and I think that is what hurts the most. I gave him basically 3 years and it's been a year since we've been broken up but how long am I going to stay in pieces. To many it seems like I may have moved on but I can't lie to my heart. My heart just keeps on hoping without a cause or hope to motivate, it's sad I know but I can't control it.
Maybe my baby will be my inspiration when he is born but I am starting to get scared. I don't even have money but I am going to do everything for this baby. He is my life and a connection of a love that was once there. I'd cry if tears were made out of money ....
I can't wait to hold my baby but I am scared of the daddy's reaction. You know I think what hurts more is that I still love him and everything gets stirred up all the time. But I don't even talk to him or call him. I just can't , he calls sometimes but I can't do it. As far as I know , he wont be involved and I think that is what hurts the most. I gave him basically 3 years and it's been a year since we've been broken up but how long am I going to stay in pieces. To many it seems like I may have moved on but I can't lie to my heart. My heart just keeps on hoping without a cause or hope to motivate, it's sad I know but I can't control it.
Maybe my baby will be my inspiration when he is born but I am starting to get scared. I don't even have money but I am going to do everything for this baby. He is my life and a connection of a love that was once there. I'd cry if tears were made out of money ....
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Working is very tiring for me now , yo can't even imagen but I finally got my medi-cal card so I can go to the dortor , maybe I will go next week to see what they tell me about my self. It 's not bad but as soon as I go I will finally will be able to tell my parents and the world .... I am sad but excited !
Saturday, June 18, 2005
Well yeah it's break and I am still tired as you don't know what . So I still haven't told my parents about my lil' secret but I know that if I wait I am going to be in trouble, it's just that there is never the perfect place and oh yeah I am afraid! Well yeah! regardless I know the day will come when I will have to tell them meanwhile I'll just work and try to be happy.
Monday, May 16, 2005
Body: | Daniel and Jasmine are sitting alone in the park one night.... Daniel: I guess we are the left overs in this world Jasmine: I think so... All of my friends have boyfriends and we are only the 2 persons left in this world without any special person in our lives Daniel: Yup I don't know what to do Jasmine: I know! We'll play a game Daniel: What game? Jasmine: i'll be your girl friend for 30 days and you will be my boy friend Daniel: That's a great plan in fact i don't have nothing to do much this following weeks... DAY 1: They watch their first movie and they both touched in a romantic film DAY 4: They went to the beach and have a picnic...Daniel and Jasmine have their quality time together DAY 12: Daniel invited Jasmine to a circus and they ride on a Horror House....Jasmine was scared and she touched Daniel's hand but she touched someone else's hand and they both laughed... DAY 15: They saw a fortune teller down the road and they asked for their future advice and the fortune teller said: "My darling, Please don't waste the time of your life... SPend the rest of your time together happily" Then tears flow out from the teller's eyes DAY 20: Jasmine invited Daniel to go to the hill and they saw a meteor...Jasmine mumbled something DAY 28: They sat on the bus and because of a bumby road Jasmine gave her first kiss to Daniel by accident DAY 29: 11:37pm Jasmine and Daniel sat in the park where they first decided to play this game... Daniel: I'm tired Jasmine...Do you want any drinks? I'll buy you one.. I'll just go down the road Jasmine: Apple Juice that's all Daniel: Wait for me.... 20mins later... a stranger approached Jasmine Stranger: Are you a friend of Daniel? Jasmine: Why yes? What happened? Stranger: A reckless drunken driver ran over Daniel and he is critical in the hospital 11:57pm The doctor went out of the emergency room and he handed out an apple juice and a letter Doctor: We found this in daniel's pocket Jasmine reads the letter and it says: Jasmine, This past few days, i realized you are a really cute girl and i am really falling for you..Your cherish smile your everything when we played this game..... Before this game would end...I wouldlike you to be my girl friend for the rest of my life.... I love you Jasmine.... Jasmine crumples the paper and shouted: "Daniel ! i don't want you to die... I love you...Remember that night when we saw a meteor, I mumbled something... I mumbled that I wish we would be together forever and never end this game. Please don't leave me Daniel.... I love you! You cannot do this to me!" Then the clock strikes 12 Daniel's heart stop pumping THEN IT WAS THE 30TH DAY........ ************************************************* Always love your loved ones and show them how you feel before it is too late... You will never know when they will be gone from your embrace... If you were given a time to bestow petals of everlasting compassion and love to your loved ones? Today is the day.... Love them while they are still here... Copy Paste and after 24hours .... Your loved one will realized how are they significant to you Repost this in 5min. and a miracle will happen tonight |
This is sad, it made tear up. Whether it has happen to anybody or not that sucks. You just fall in love and you loose them , life sucks sometimes.
Oh man , I woke up at like around 6:30am it was the worst feeling. I felt weak, I couldn't sleep, my throat hurt, my nose was stuffy and I couldn't blow it, them I threw up the nothingness in my stomach. Worst feeling in the world when all that comes out is acid. I lost my appetite, I tried to eat but it's really hard. Nothing tastes like it use to, I can't even finish a small muffin...even my favorites ~ banana nut or blue berry. Oh well, maybe it's the flu
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Wednesday, May 4, 2005
What am I going to do ? I am going to go through a life of doubt, pain and hardship. But I guess it's what I burden myself for sinning. It going to be hard as I Am going to have to show my face and everybody is going to know soon but still I am alone in a sense. Why couldn't this have happened last year it would have been easier. Now, I don't know what to expect.
Monday, May 2, 2005
Coming back to Redlands for Mayterm feels nice but I spranged my ankle as I was trying to load my van to come to school. I had just picked up Adrian and Ramiyah from the airport and went to my house to pick my stuff up b/c I picked them up right after work. Adrian asked if I needed help but stupid as I am always thinking that I could do everything myself , said no and on the way to the car I fell and well there you have it. there is also others things in my mind but those I can't tell you yet although you will find out in a while but for the time being it's mine a few friends' lil secret.
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Thursday, April 14, 2005
You use your lips to point something out.
You constantly refer to cereal as "con fleis".
Your mother yells at the top of her lungs to call you to dinner even if it's a one bedroom apartment.
You can dance ranchera, cumbia or salsa without music
You call your sneakers "tenees".
You have at least thirty cousins.
You can't imagine anyone not liking spicy food.
You are in a 5-passenger car with 8 people in it and a person shouting "subanse, todavia caben mas!"
Tamales, champurrado, posole and menudo are must haves on Thanksgiving.
There is more Tequila than punch at little Juanito's birthday party.
There is at least one member in your family named Maria, Guadalupe, Juan, Jose, or Jesus.
You swear "Choco Mil" is the same as Slim Fast and try to lose weight by drinking it.
You have a drunk uncle/aunt.
You not only know who Don Francisco from Sabado Gigante is, but you tell people he's your tio!
You have ever had to tellyour kid /or been told not to walk the floor barefoot or they'll/you'll catch a cold.
You go to a wedding or Quinceañera, gossip about how bad the comida is, but be the first to take a plato to go.
You have a bottle of Tapatio in your purse.
Your cousins are delinquents / hootchies.
You have a chola in your barrio named "La Flaca" who's bigger than a house.
You know a chola named "La Shy Girl" who is loud and obnoxious.
You need to point out how much something you just bought cost.
You have a bottle of Bacardi or Tequila in your house right now.
You're laughing because some of these things have actually happened to YOUR ASS!
You constantly refer to cereal as "con fleis".
Your mother yells at the top of her lungs to call you to dinner even if it's a one bedroom apartment.
You can dance ranchera, cumbia or salsa without music
You call your sneakers "tenees".
You have at least thirty cousins.
You can't imagine anyone not liking spicy food.
You are in a 5-passenger car with 8 people in it and a person shouting "subanse, todavia caben mas!"
Tamales, champurrado, posole and menudo are must haves on Thanksgiving.
There is more Tequila than punch at little Juanito's birthday party.
There is at least one member in your family named Maria, Guadalupe, Juan, Jose, or Jesus.
You swear "Choco Mil" is the same as Slim Fast and try to lose weight by drinking it.
You have a drunk uncle/aunt.
You not only know who Don Francisco from Sabado Gigante is, but you tell people he's your tio!
You have ever had to tellyour kid /or been told not to walk the floor barefoot or they'll/you'll catch a cold.
You go to a wedding or Quinceañera, gossip about how bad the comida is, but be the first to take a plato to go.
You have a bottle of Tapatio in your purse.
Your cousins are delinquents / hootchies.
You have a chola in your barrio named "La Flaca" who's bigger than a house.
You know a chola named "La Shy Girl" who is loud and obnoxious.
You need to point out how much something you just bought cost.
You have a bottle of Bacardi or Tequila in your house right now.
You're laughing because some of these things have actually happened to YOUR ASS!
Wow this was so funny , and it's true(haha) I know you are going to love this Nestor ! Viva Mexicans!
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Well today I felt good. I can't believe that Art actually came and listened to my concert . He never would have done that before ,NEVER! I told him about it and today he called me and asked me at what time . It was nice to see him. We sat together at the begining of the concert because I didn't play 3penny and when it was time for me to go , he gave me a kiss in the cheek and said good luck. He also told me that I was the prettiest girl in the whole Wind Ensemble. I was happy today.I like talking to him a lot , we gwt along so well, even though he still makes me angry sometimes but I am sure I do the same. I had a good evening , I would have to say . Today I was suppose to get out of work at 2 but didnt until 3 pm I was upset b/c I knew that it was going to take a couple of hours to do my hair and I was right I finished like around 6:30 pm and I started when I back from work which was like at 3 . The concert was ok ,there wereobvious mistakes and it was obvious that Dr.Smith was not happy , I feel bad that it didn't go as well as he wanted . Well that is all I have right now . Bye bye .
Monday, April 11, 2005
Well I have been having the wordt moodswing ever , I don't know what my problem is but I feel Anger a lot , A LOT of ANGER. I don't know why but I also fell a lot peace but I can't find a correlation to both of them .I know I am a nice person but lately I feel like a bitch . I bitch to everybody , I act like a bitch and I really careless what you think . Although one thing is I cant cry , I just can't cry. I feel mad about that because crying use to be my way out of feelings and everything is inside . I cant explain my situation but nobody understand but me . It's the only logic that I have even though it's bad , I don't think so. Oh ...Fuck that!
On other terms I just brought these 4 lil' fishies and I love them
. Theyare the best , they don't annoy , they just swin and forget every few seconds that they exist and get hungry again . :) So Right now I am debating within myself if I want the car or not , b/c if I don't that means I have lost $200 but if I do then I have a credit , I am so confused , I don't know what I want anymore ... there is nothing to want ,but I want the work though , so I dont' know think that through .
On other terms I just brought these 4 lil' fishies and I love them
Thursday, April 7, 2005
BLAH,BLAh,BLah,Blah,blah.... I so tired of hearing the same shit , gosh , then leave me alone . I don't care anymore! It's fine , I am fine but nothing matter any more. Can't you see what is going to happen to me ? NO ... Well just keep it up ! No need for explainations, you either get or not , I don't care .
I am too tired in life already to care what anybody thinks , even if your opinion matters , frankly right now it doesn't . Don't even ask , I am not going to tell you ,why not because it's my problem and my shit should not be stirred by anybody that is not welcomed ,sorry !
I am too tired in life already to care what anybody thinks , even if your opinion matters , frankly right now it doesn't . Don't even ask , I am not going to tell you ,why not because it's my problem and my shit should not be stirred by anybody that is not welcomed ,sorry !
Tuesday, April 5, 2005
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Today I was beginning to think that my parenst weren't going to help me try and get the car . My mom was trying to put a guilty feeling inside of me but that didn't. She doesn't understand that all my life I have there for others but for once I really want to spoil myself , just for once , is that too much to ask for ? Well I didn't think so but my does . BUT , my daddy today asked me if I still wanted the money and I said yes m so he gave me a check so that i could cash and then give the $1000 cash to Art , hopefully on Monday or tuesday. YAY! 
But I think I have a little problem ... I think I feel a little conceded. Just a little ... But i don't care but either way it's good and bad. I took pictures 3 times this weekend : with Ramiyah, my siblings, and by myself and i have to say that they all look wonderful. I wasn't unhappy with the way that I looked in any of them , I think i looked very pretty but if I was skinnier then I would really look nice , but oh well. Night night , for now
But I think I have a little problem ... I think I feel a little conceded. Just a little ... But i don't care but either way it's good and bad. I took pictures 3 times this weekend : with Ramiyah, my siblings, and by myself and i have to say that they all look wonderful. I wasn't unhappy with the way that I looked in any of them , I think i looked very pretty but if I was skinnier then I would really look nice , but oh well. Night night , for now
Monday, March 21, 2005
Well here I am in my room all by myself and I am so bored and lonely. I have been having the weirdest moodswings in the world . I was talking to Adrian earlier and I started to cry when I was laughing a second earlier then right after I dried my tears I started to laugh . I think I scared him a bit and if could still scrae him then that must be bad . :( I don't know what my problem is. Well I know I had the worst feeling when I was serving at Amy's recital on saturday. In the table there what a glass swan with water in it and it had a beautiful red rose in it , and well that just brought back sad moment ,well happy actually ...November 5th 2002 , it was my first year anniversity with my Art and he gave me a pretty pladed gray and white with hearts bag that contained that same swan I just saw on saturday . My heart was healed until I saw that , a gfew days ago. I was happy with my life ,I didn't even think of him even when we talked it was like whatever ever. He haas even come to see me and that didn't even open a scar like that swan.My life was so well accomplished with out the need of guys in my life ,why did I had to remember that he came and met me in the by thge band room right after my dad dropped me off at 6:25 am ,and he even walked me to class which was far ,and was late to his AP U.S. History class with Mackinney. I hate being uphappy . I just feel like crying so much I don't know why. And my stomoch hurts real bad .It's really weird it's not pain ,pain but I can't explain what it feels like.
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
You scored as Musical/Rhythmic.You are sensitive to sounds in your environment, enjoy music and preferlistening to music when you study or read. You learn best throughmelody and music. People like you include singers, conductors,composers, and others who appreciate the various elements of music.
The Rogers Indicator of Multiple Intelligences created with |
You scored as Wrath.
Seven deadly sins created with |
You scored as Suicide. Your death will be suicide. What more can I say?
How Will You Die?? created with |
You scored as Sleeping Beauty. Your alter ego is Princess Aurora, a.k.a. Sleeping Beauty! You are beautiful and enchanting, and as sweet as ever.
Which Disney Character is your Alter Ego? created with |
You scored as Unipolar Depression.Congraulations! You are depressed! You know just how it feels to bearall the world's burdens, and the value of a 19-hour night's sleep. Andyou really hate that circle-guy thing on your Zoloft pill packets.
Which mental disorder do you have? created with |
You scored as Unipolar Depression.Congraulations! You are depressed! You know just how it feels to bearall the world's burdens, and the value of a 19-hour night's sleep. Andyou really hate that circle-guy thing on your Zoloft pill packets.
Which mental disorder do you have? created with |
You scored as Romantic Kisser.Good for you! You know how to kiss and hopefully you have a certainsomeone to experience a serge of happiness with. If not, it doesnt hurtto flirt kiss a little hehe. Just dont get carried away. Romantickissing is always a plus! Kissing is an art keep it up and youll bereally good!
How good do you kiss? created with |
You scored as Unipolar Depression.Congraulations! You are depressed! You know just how it feels to bearall the world's burdens, and the value of a 19-hour night's sleep. Andyou really hate that circle-guy thing on your Zoloft pill packets.
Which mental disorder do you have? created with |
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
http://table border='0' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='0' width='600'>
You scored as Loner.
What's Your High School Stereotype?
created with
Goth | 81% | ||
Loner | 81% | ||
Punk/Rebel | 63% | ||
Stoner | 56% | ||
Drama nerd | 50% | ||
Prep/Jock/Cheerleader | 44% | ||
Geek | 31% | ||
Ghetto gangsta | 31% |
What's Your High School Stereotype?
created with
Friday, February 25, 2005
Well today is finally friday and it's Spring Break .....YAY! But either way my spring break started yesterday but it's ok because I rested and still woke up early 9:30 am . Well I didn't go on my date tonight because he blew out a tire of his car and has been using his mom's but either I am just at school relaxing. I actually got to eat Dinner with Keith and Chris
I was so shocked as you can't even imagen.Well Ramiyah , Adrian ,Nestor and Luis all left today and I was kind of bored but I am happy that they are on their way to go visit their parents. I , myself , have not decided what I am going to do but yeah . I was looking foward to gooing out but hey whatever. Well I dressed up pretty but whatever.Hopefully I get to find out more about David this spring break by the way he speaks to me it sounds like . I like him , he thinks a lot and I think he is going to know how to make me happy . We have made this connection and I like talking to him. It feels like a liltle crush and you get embaress or shy when you talk but HEY .... I Am still the same person with David , those of you that think I am nice with one person and mean to another well not !!!!! I Am mean to everybody.
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Well monday I went on a date with David and wow it was perfect except that we almost got in a car accident but that didn't ruin it . He came here to Redlands to pick me up and we went to the movies but there were no movies at that time until like 6:45 and we got there ar 5:30 so we decided to go eat at sizzlers and we talked . I didn't know he had an A.A. for computer junk but I was impressed i think he said that he went to ITT I think . But he works doing computer stuff in Palms Springs everyday. When we were walking back to go see the movie he slowly gets my hand and starts to hold it . I thought it was the sweetest thing . I really felt comfortable with him. When we were at the movies he was just holding my hand and caressing it . It actually felt right , i don't understand but it's just weird because when he was caressing my hand I was starting to get a few butterflies in my stomach. I don't but there is something about him that I really like . I guess we had a conenction since the beginning which was when we went to Knott's scary farm in October but i was not ready because it hadn't been a month since the break up. He held my hand there for protection from the monsters. i thought it was sweet. i don't I guess i have to start giving chances but trusting is still a bit skeptical. I don't know if all guys are the same . i truly wish that they are not .But either way David and I are going out on friday . I think I am going to have fun . I am going to have to practice cooking over spring break. I need to get my cooking up and running again and rememeber how to combine my spice to make sauces just like I like them . Oh yeah , David says that he can cook .... that's a plus . :) And another plus I finally found sombody that is actually older than me . I remember when I was younger I use to say that I was never going to go out with anybody that was younger than me , they at least had to be in my grade but I guess that fell through when I was Art's girllfriend for 3 years but I have no regrets but I learn a lot about immaturity so that is a real turn off to me . But David is 20 years also his birthday is in october and that makes him like 3 months older than me but he is older so that makes me happy. I feel so comfortable with him but I can't stare at him in his eyes for a long time ... I get scared, but I don't know why . It makes me feel nervous and I hate that feeling . I could usually lie about certain expressions but I don't think I could hide it . We talked about weird people and stuff and I told him the truth but we just said that we will find out as we go along because I said that I was a very weird person sometimes . He is church oriented too , and I like that. He asked me if I went to chuch and I said no but it wasn't a bad thing. He must be Catholic because he said his cross when he was about to eat .I don't know but I am just trying to figure him out . And I will I like mystery , I like to find out and so far I have a lot to learn because as of now all I know is that he use to work at McD's and that he had a gf there and I know that b/c I remember , his first name , that he has an associates degree , when his birthday is , who some of his friend are , where he lives . I think that is it but hmm but most of that was stuff that I already knew prior to the date . I know that I Am freak but that is who I am . Maybe during spring break he can meet my mom and dad ....maybe or I will just tell them that I am leaving but who knows there is still half a week to decide about that but I had tried to schedule early hours so that we can go out in the afternoon . I am finally thinking that I might have a chance at moving on . 
I feel free but today when I was hearing a song I thought of Art and I started to cry ... I still kind of miss him but I feel sorry for him . Even though he is a very close friend of mine he is a very stubborn person and I worry about his fututre but I guess that is not much of my worry anymore. I dont know what to say about him but that he will always be in my heart and that regardless of that I have let go and he is gone .
I feel free but today when I was hearing a song I thought of Art and I started to cry ... I still kind of miss him but I feel sorry for him . Even though he is a very close friend of mine he is a very stubborn person and I worry about his fututre but I guess that is not much of my worry anymore. I dont know what to say about him but that he will always be in my heart and that regardless of that I have let go and he is gone .
Thursday, February 17, 2005
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Well Valentine's day is officially over now , good. It was my forst time in 3 years without a Valentine but on the bright side nestor gave me a purple tiger . It was very very cute , I loved it . Work at Plaza was insane I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs and hit some people . i don't ask for much . I am not a picky person I just want to be understood . I just want somebody I can talk to about my problems and somebody that I can do the same for . I don't care . I just want all my friends there for me and who cares about the world. The world is just an outside issue that I yet don't want to have to deal with it . Oh my ex , called me he had classes today for the first time HA ! on Valentine's day his day ended at 9:30 and mine started at 9:30 am and ended at 11pm but the sad thing was that he sounded really tired . We have become really close friends . We talk every once in a while on the phone not that often but we have learned how to have conversations and actually talk like adults. I am beginning to respect him again as him . I respect him as a friend but as a person it could be a whole diffeent story. I am very happy with myself though because I am learning how to be the bigger person and realize human error and that most people can't help doing what they do . Forgiving them for their mistakes is basically all we can do and besides our consciences feels better .
OH By the way !!!!!!! I hate to work so if anybody is rich and they want to marry me , I'll love to .... just kidding . As much as I hate working I like the feeling of earning and wasting my own money not others.
Well what else can I say but good night and I hope that everybdy had a great Valentine's Day and that hopefully everyday is a Valentine's Day with your loved one. Best Wishes to all with there " one" .

I know my prince will come and rescue me soon.
OH By the way !!!!!!! I hate to work so if anybody is rich and they want to marry me , I'll love to .... just kidding . As much as I hate working I like the feeling of earning and wasting my own money not others.
Well what else can I say but good night and I hope that everybdy had a great Valentine's Day and that hopefully everyday is a Valentine's Day with your loved one. Best Wishes to all with there " one" .
I know my prince will come and rescue me soon.
Friday, January 21, 2005
well Ia m at school now. I fixed all my problems . The lady from the AMS payments had been a bitch to me but I figure I would smile and say just ok to all her rude comments b/c I would never ever hae to see her again do I know b/c she basically told when she said to try getting the payments again ,the school would cancel my account. Oh well. But I was happy that I was able to get classes and stuff b/c for a while I was kind of scared but everything worked out and I am excited. School for me right now is all going very well.
Well so I finally turned 20 on the 7th of January , I think that was an exciting ay exce[t fpr the fact that I had to work but overall I made the most of my day.Almost all my friends called and it made me feel special.The day of my birthday I felt loved by all.Even when I walked into work evrybody I need literally EVERYBODY screamed out HAPPY BIRTHDAY REYNA ..... I was very happy.
My life right now feels great . I can't ask for anything else ...well yeah I can I wish I had a special somebody to share my feeling with but I know I am going to have to wait until that special somebody appears in my life. My life right now just feels so perfect that I don't feel right without a boyfriend but maybe that is just the way that I had been use to oh well. I am pretty that there is a guy out there for me in that far away state that I want to leave to after college. Finding a romantic ,loving yet real guy , that understands but is also dominant but will let me also let me talk, kind of guy is going to be a challege but I give or take a few of the qualities I just want to be happy and I want to make somebody happy too.
Well so I finally turned 20 on the 7th of January , I think that was an exciting ay exce[t fpr the fact that I had to work but overall I made the most of my day.Almost all my friends called and it made me feel special.The day of my birthday I felt loved by all.Even when I walked into work evrybody I need literally EVERYBODY screamed out HAPPY BIRTHDAY REYNA ..... I was very happy.
My life right now feels great . I can't ask for anything else ...well yeah I can I wish I had a special somebody to share my feeling with but I know I am going to have to wait until that special somebody appears in my life. My life right now just feels so perfect that I don't feel right without a boyfriend but maybe that is just the way that I had been use to oh well. I am pretty that there is a guy out there for me in that far away state that I want to leave to after college. Finding a romantic ,loving yet real guy , that understands but is also dominant but will let me also let me talk, kind of guy is going to be a challege but I give or take a few of the qualities I just want to be happy and I want to make somebody happy too.
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