Monday, July 29, 2013

Last Post/Farewell

I saw that xanga is a little over $10,000 short. It makes me sad that it might not make it. As much as I have been on and off since 2004, this place has been my home and the place where I have confined the best.
I'm sure going to miss having all of you in the same page to scan and read posts. Everybody is so scattered now. Mainly most of you are in wordpress. I know I'm not there and that makes it tough but a few of you are in blogger and through that I can follow you in wordpress. I know it's not the same but I will do my best.
This was very fun while it lasted and I'm so glad I met so many of you. Well, I met a handful in person and what a privilege that was. And, instead of meeting some of you I spoke through messages we got to know each other more that way.
I mean I met my boyfriend here @cucumber_melonhead. I was actually looking forward to and when/if we took the leap of faith/life and ever made it official to post about it but none the less the memories here are endless. The memories that started on xanga and became real life are priceless. I can't say how sad I am that this is happening, but I'm glad we talked and you're all wonderful people. You all meant so much to me. *big bear hug*

Xanga has been the place where I was able to vent. The first place I was able to feel as myself and felt people accepted. Never in life had I felt this happy. It came such a part of me that Xanga broke a relationship I was starting, then I met another great person who helped me find myself and ultimately helped me find the love of my life. I'd say this is major for my simple little life.
Thanks to all of you wonderful xangans. Not, only because you're wonderful people but because your posts  helped with issues in life, helped me understand that I wasn't alone, gave me advice, helped me understand different positions and even understand different  religions. I learned I'm  passive when it come to arguments. I found myself here and I gain more confidence. This site what I needed to be me.


Farewell to some and to other's ttyl, and to other's I will see you in other places.
Miss you all...

Love with all my might,
Rey Flores

I borrowed Johnson's glasses, messy hair... ;)

Then we all played water balloons and water fighting with my son. fun times this weekend.

A happy family, indeed! =D
Simply Us! <3
Thank you for reading. Hope you are having a wonderful summer! Peace!!

Follow  me:
or find me on Facebook just  tell me who you are. =D

Saturday, July 6, 2013

How to contact me

Well I honestly don't know if xanga will survive or not but as much as I love reading other's posts I enjoyed blogging myself. That was what helped me during my years of need. Sadly, even if xanga does make it, wont be able to afford to pay just to blog. I love this site and it's what I've grown the most comfort with. Oh well....

If anybody is ever interested they can surely email me to: or

I'm also on twitter:

I'm also on blog spot as well