Yea, to this point all I think it's the patch is really messing with my cycle... and to top it off my cycle diary thingy I had on my phone kind of went crazy when I updated my phone and erased everything ... well I am kind of hoping the new due date it has on those does come true... Idk... it's so weird but I should add the previous months anyways...
I am not worried about it not coming ... but it doesn't make me happy when it doesn't come when it's suppose to...
So I just updated from the last months... like july, august and sept... which were the ones on my real calender and sure enough with the irregularities... it set it as I should have started on last thursday and well yesterday should have been done with it... grrr... Without those 3 months to calculate I wasn't suppose to start until the 8th... but obviously we are all set to a timer and why has mine with fucking up..., starting right before these stupid patches... and the sad part is with them I hadn't even had sex... oh the irony of shit. Which reminds me... about Tony he texted me on thankgiving which was nice,
"Happy Thanksgiving reyna! hope its filled with love and happiness. Miss ya!
.. Not a group message like many of us send but a nice one directed to me... I thought that was sweet. And then he texted me today also he is so random idk
"Good morning reyna! have a wonderful day!!
People are so random. Sometimes I don't understand but whatever... a truce is a truce... Oh and Bobby was talking to me a couple days ago... and sending me kisses via "bbm" which I didn't return... and he said that he misses our deep conversations... lol so I asked him which one..." And he said "the one where u had a man" ... I couldn't help but laugh... he always asks me how Danny is doing... I feel bad though bc he always asks about him and in return I'll ask about his lil first but I don't remember her name for the life of me... idk I guess I just sort of went back to being indifferent about guys again.
And I have thought about Tony but I man I gave him up for sure... I wouldn't ever had anything with him without a relationship... And this is the first time I have thought about this... on how what I remember of him would be jeopardized... So I'll talk to him via text... But, I wont tell him I miss him ... or "miss ya" how he put it ... I guess even though he's very comfortable talking to me and I am too I am still a lil stand offish ... idk... it felt like he was flirting a bit today... and might have caught himself and then we just stopped talking... idk... people are freaking weird and random... Oh and Itold him to guess about a friend who found me on FB and we're going to have lunch together... and he kept saying his friend Roger so now I am wondering if his friend told him we text sometimes...or idk... his friend was flirting with me... I guess it might have seemed as if I started it... so what ev...and he asked "Bobby?!" and no it wasn't... and he asked Roger again... and I told him no... I wonder what they have talked about now... hmmm... but I am going to have a lunch with his ex (the love of his life) Vanessa.... Well she was one of the only girls who broke his heart in high school. She found me and wants to have lunch ... it was also random and odd... she just found me a lil while back and thursday the only day I go down happens to be a day off for her so we'll be meeting... I don't know about all of these random or none random but I guess we'll see thursday. This should all be all interesting and entertaining... we'll see what we talk about it... she is very happy with her now bf and has a son... Tony told me part of the story of when she left him so I know more of what happened with her after high school...