Well on tuesday my son's grandmother came to visit. It had been quite a while but I was happy to see her and he was thrilled. She came after work. I didn't see her right away because I was making calls. My dad had misplaced his phone the day before and well we thought it was at the house and then he asked me a question. "Is there any way to check if calls have been made?" Sure enough I logged into their phone account online and found out that the phone has been found and call had been made. So the next thing I did was call all those numbers... and if they didn't answer I would leave a message... I know... what do you say? Well luckily someone picked up and I called to him and he said he had no idea so I left him my name and number so he would call me just in case... and the funny thing was that he did call me like 10 minutes later... his kid or one of his kid's friend found the phone... I went and got it... so I came back and said hello. She asked if there was any of my rice... unfortunately there wasn't so I made some especially for her. She has always liked it for some reason. *shrug*. So she stayed ate and then it was time for her to go pick up her daughter and she was saying good bye and asked Danny if he wanted to go with her and he said yes. HE never wants to leave and this time he did so I let him go.
So the time passed and I took a shower and dressed. I was driving down Sierra and well was trying to relax so I opened my windows and took out a cigarette and just leisurely smoking enjoying every puff well I was driving down sierra it was like about to be 9pm and so since I had just gotten out of the shower I was wearing no make-up... just all natural....So there was this white car and then it passed me and some guy just waved at me. So i thought ok... and just smiled... what can I do they passed me ... so then I get ahead and they pull up next me ... well they were intentionally trying... so the guy was, " hey beautiful! How are you tonight!" So I nod and say pretty good ... he asks "where are you headed?" so to get him off my back I told him the truth... I am going to go pick up my son... so then he says, "That's good..." So I nod and he asks," Do you have a boyfriend" and well people out make me nervous well actually all people I don't know kind do so I told him "yeah" and he asks me a funny question,"Happily?" So I told him yes... he said alright... have a good night. They drove off but still tried to maintain a close proximity but then I turned right on Foothill... I was a little flattered... never have I had a conversation with people while driving... and I am more surprised because I was wearing no make-up so it made me feel nice. It was just a small detail that flattered me in a positive way... but that all fell apart when I came home... My parents seem to be doing well... my dad joined a union but there is still no work... times are a little tough but I think we will be ok. If we stick it through we shall prevail.