Last week... one of the best weeks I have had yet... :D
So it all started with the baby shower last saturday and the long wait to have the get together that was held up from sunday evening until monday after noon. And the last time I left off with we were going to go to the Water park... Well actually it's a park in rancho which was nice, sure you pay for parking but it's big and the kids would have fun getting wet and doing what ever they want. That wednesday we played volleyball against each other while most of the kids ran around and got wet. And the most surprising thing was that they were able to get my Tio Rodo to go... He doesn't go anywhere or even show up to anything... We stayed they for a few hours for some of us the older adult cousins had plans in the eveing... The plans were to be gone by 6:30 from the house but we didn't get home until like 7:30 so of course being sweaty from playing I take a shower. We were suppose to go to Dave & Busters but decided just to go to our aunt's house in Hacienda Heights and hang out. She had dinner for all of us so we ate and went downstairs. There we ended up playing pool in teams of 2 and would alternate. Tio came which was a little weird at first since we hardly see him also. He is always busy in his restaurant and he joined in... He beat everybody. It was amazing... So it was like 12 and everybody was knocking out... we were going to spend the night and then drive home in the morning but my sister didn't feel like she could sleep anywhere but her bed... so I drove and was falling asleep as I was also taking my sister's bf home to Bloomington and then drive back home... It was the most tiring drive... I was falling more and more asleep and couldn't take it at times but everytime my head would fall I would get scared and continue driving, the adrenaline... was really what kept me ok... but what ev if my sis understood how it felt I am sure she wouldn't have wanted me to drive. So we got home and got everything ready because thursday was a trip to Lake Perris. We left a little late because my aunts wanted us to wait for my brothers to get out of school. As soon as they got here we left and took one of their friends... We stuffed ourselves in the car and managed... my sister calls me while we are about to merge in the 215s, it was around 1pm or so and she said,"Where are you guy? I just got out of work! Come, get me." I told her, yeah right, just drive my car down here. So, it was the first time she drove so long by herself... but as we all waited for her to get to the lake we were all happy and proud of her... As soon as we all got together we ate and then played some more Volleyball which followed by going down to the lake and enjoying some relaxing time swimming.... Friday morning we all went down to Alhambra and ate in Rick's, my uncle's restaurant. Man how I miss eating there every once in a while. It use to feel like home when we would go down there. It sucks at times being so far away... We had to rush home since my sis had to work and I had to teach my piano lesson... But it was ok. My dad, danny and I had one more opportunity to go and say good-bye friday evening.
Saturday we all just hung out at home while mother was in Vegas and relaxed... Sunday, my sis, my brother Roland, Danny and I went to mass and before we went in my sis had mentioned that she wanted to go to the movies... And I told her"let's go after mass..." And Erick wanted to go so I told her call him now so he'll be up by the time we get out... We went to the Edwards in Ontario... we saw Wall-E at 1:20p and Kung Fu Panda... 2 very funny and cute kid movies. Danny loved them... He wants to go see Wall-E again and I am thinking I might take him tomorrow... Well that is a blurb of what we did for the week... It was fun... the most fun I've have in a really, really long time...
Monday, June 30, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
So, I had a job interview yesterday... It seem to have gone very well so I hope. I know I do not have all the experience needed but I do have the upper hand. This job would be so great to get experience especially with everything the owner already told me he needs done... Man, and all the benefits and pay is ok can't complain but I guess I'll be a little disappointed if I don't get it but what's the worse they can say no right. All I needed to do was turn in my resume which I did this morning and we'll go from there. The owner told me he will be making a decision within the next week... *fingers crossed*
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
So it seems as though it is not as hot as it has been lately but it's still hot. Well, I have to say I had a rather surprising weekend. My cousin Laura from Minnesota decides to text me on saturday afternoon and ask what I was doing? And I of course was getting ready to go to one of my sister's best friends' baby shower. Which by the way was a success and and little Jennifer was completely surprised she cried in shock. She received everything she needed for her soon to be born little Lilly... Can't wait to see her. Anyways, So I told my cousin and she then told me well I am tired we drove a day and a half to get down here... I asked her, "Where are you?", "Tia Angelica's"... I was so happily surprised I tried to get her to go to the baby shower with me but she was still very tired from the drive...
We were all suppose to meet up on Sunday evening for a get together but since my dad's brother and aunt came from Minnesota, they decided to hold it off a little because a cousin of my dad and auncles' was coming down from Antioch( a city north of San Francisco, I believe).The get together was Monday evening and we all talked hung out and enjoyed every little moment. It's not like we are able to see each other like when we were kids. (When we were kids growing up we all lived in San Gabriel city and were walking distance from each other until our parents slowly started to migrate out and we started to see each other less and less until the big move happen and a couple of my dad's siblings moved to St. Paul, Minnesota.) Yesterday was a very productive night and I don't think I have seen so many of my dad's family all together ever, literally. I think my dad was very happen. (You see the Flores gene is a strange gene. It seems as though the Flores men seem to be very to themselves type of guys which explains why many of the guys were not there. They do not like sweets and they hardly tell you what they need, what they like or if they agree with anything. They are quiet being but very temperamental. ) Last night when all the cousins were together we were talking about of moms and dads and it was funny how many of us would just pull the it's a "Flores thing" And the cool thing is that we are now all aware of it. I use to think that my mom only complained and she only saw what she said but now that I have grown I see more and more in my dad's side of the family and I know the differences and We also pull my mom's 'side of the family card too. It wouldn't be fair. Hahahaha... Well my cousin's are here until saturday we'll see what we do next...
I am excited though... I have a job interview tomorrow. We are going to a small water park also, and in he evening all the adult cousins are going hang out, no bebes... I really need a break
. Can't wait, thursday we are going to Lake Perris and it seems like a good week oh and on Saturday my mother will be gone for a day in Vegas... Sweet! Couldn't top off the weekend with a nice little break from the mother...
We were all suppose to meet up on Sunday evening for a get together but since my dad's brother and aunt came from Minnesota, they decided to hold it off a little because a cousin of my dad and auncles' was coming down from Antioch( a city north of San Francisco, I believe).The get together was Monday evening and we all talked hung out and enjoyed every little moment. It's not like we are able to see each other like when we were kids. (When we were kids growing up we all lived in San Gabriel city and were walking distance from each other until our parents slowly started to migrate out and we started to see each other less and less until the big move happen and a couple of my dad's siblings moved to St. Paul, Minnesota.) Yesterday was a very productive night and I don't think I have seen so many of my dad's family all together ever, literally. I think my dad was very happen. (You see the Flores gene is a strange gene. It seems as though the Flores men seem to be very to themselves type of guys which explains why many of the guys were not there. They do not like sweets and they hardly tell you what they need, what they like or if they agree with anything. They are quiet being but very temperamental. ) Last night when all the cousins were together we were talking about of moms and dads and it was funny how many of us would just pull the it's a "Flores thing" And the cool thing is that we are now all aware of it. I use to think that my mom only complained and she only saw what she said but now that I have grown I see more and more in my dad's side of the family and I know the differences and We also pull my mom's 'side of the family card too. It wouldn't be fair. Hahahaha... Well my cousin's are here until saturday we'll see what we do next...
I am excited though... I have a job interview tomorrow. We are going to a small water park also, and in he evening all the adult cousins are going hang out, no bebes... I really need a break
Saturday, June 21, 2008
What's up with all the pregnancies.... Omg... It seems so evident that every corner I turn and in every step I take there are pregnant ladies everywhere. Wow, I can not even imagine and with this heat. I remember when I was pregnant and it felt hot during the winters; I cannot imagine going through that with these hot summer days. I don't know why I mean it is great; I love seeing new borns but the thought of going through labor again nostalgically comes back every time I see a pregnant lady and ever worse I feel like I am also carrying that baby in their belly. Talk about reliving it over and over again. It brings to think after feeling such pain who in would do it again? Then, I think... it is not always for the pleasure but sometimes it is meant to have children besides kids can be fun at times. Yeah, and I guess it's not always about protection but it should be especially with all the teens with children and delaying their future. Like a teacher then I was high would say... kids having kids, it's not right. And unfortunately it cannot be stopped. I guess it's kind of fun there are going to be kids for my son to play with and punk around.... jk... Like they say the more the "merrier" (oh well don't know how it's spelled)...but yeah!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
I feel so bad... Today my brother asked me to take him to his practice that is held somewhere in north fontana and I hesitated well of course I said yes. And so, I was taking him and turned into the street we were talking. I felt a bump and thought about a speed bump... I never saw it coming... I ran over a small chihuahua... he told me and I was surprised he was like yeah... I turned backed as we were getting to his destination and went to the corner when it happened. A lot of little kids were there and their mom. I apologized for not seeing him and I felt very bad and the kids were crying also. The mom said it's ok... The doggy never listened and sadly that knew it was going to eventually happen to the dog. I was tearing up; I didn't know what to do and seeing the kids suffer over their puupy. I asked if there was anything I could do and she said no that it was find. There were times were she couldn't hear me because the 2 of her kids were crying so I spoke to her in spanish and she said not to worry that they were going to bury the puppy and everything was going to be fine. Sadly, I wish there was something I could have done. But, I neither have money to give or I have access to another puppy...
I am left speechless and crying on my way home for hurting a few kids and their mourning of their puppy.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Nice weekend with the fam
This weekend was a real treat for my family and me. I have to say although I worked a lot it was well worth it. Well ok let's start from the beginning. About a little over a year my mother came up with an idea to surprise my grandmother for her birthday. Well she wanted to throw her a surprise 15anera times 5 because we all know
15 x 5= 75 so we did although we started to do the preparations a little late I believe it all went well. What everyone was told to do was tell my grandmother it was a birthday party for my brother's 16th birthday and yeah. Well it was my grandmother's birthday on the 11th, and when she showed up on saturday evening and everybody was here to surprise her she was happy. It felt like she felt appreciated.I could only say that when I saw that smile in her face I was truly happy. I said hello to her and I proceeded to the kitchen... I cooked, man did I cook... I probably made food for like 40+ people but it was nice to finish and nice that she appreciated me for everything that I did as well... well she saw me in the kitchen slaving away but I don't mind the cooking until my feet get tired. I knocked out early before everybody left I was so tired but I slept good knowing she was happy. Sunday morning still waking up with a drunkin feeling( no alcohol was served) I get up and get ready for church but still tired. I tell my brothers happy birthday and my dad happy father's day. We go to mass, a very beautiful service and fresh atmosphere. We go home and my sis, Danny and I give all three their gifts. I have to say... a very blessed weekend. Wouldn't have it any other way well except without the heat
. I am therefore satisfied and glad it all went down although everything did not go as planned but it was a great turn out.
15 x 5= 75 so we did although we started to do the preparations a little late I believe it all went well. What everyone was told to do was tell my grandmother it was a birthday party for my brother's 16th birthday and yeah. Well it was my grandmother's birthday on the 11th, and when she showed up on saturday evening and everybody was here to surprise her she was happy. It felt like she felt appreciated.I could only say that when I saw that smile in her face I was truly happy. I said hello to her and I proceeded to the kitchen... I cooked, man did I cook... I probably made food for like 40+ people but it was nice to finish and nice that she appreciated me for everything that I did as well... well she saw me in the kitchen slaving away but I don't mind the cooking until my feet get tired. I knocked out early before everybody left I was so tired but I slept good knowing she was happy. Sunday morning still waking up with a drunkin feeling( no alcohol was served) I get up and get ready for church but still tired. I tell my brothers happy birthday and my dad happy father's day. We go to mass, a very beautiful service and fresh atmosphere. We go home and my sis, Danny and I give all three their gifts. I have to say... a very blessed weekend. Wouldn't have it any other way well except without the heat
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Sometimes I just find it funny how there are people who will put you on their top list and then take you out and then put you back on. I have been testing it and if happens it's just certain people. For example, you remove them ,they feel the need to take you off but if you add them, they again feel compelled to add you back... Sure most people just keep their friends the same unless they have new friends or attain a new best friend. My Space friendships are so vain and so high schoolish. Like a child tantrum... I don't wanna add you unless you add me... Sure actually most of my Top friends are family that I have all over the place that I haven't spoken to for loss of communication since we were young and our parents didn't get along. If I were to just put family on my top whatever would be12 plus my best friends: compadre and friends from high and college. The rest are not needed in all actuality. I have been compelled and urge at one point in my life to delete my space. And mush as I want to it's not that I can't but I finally found many of my cousins who I wish we would have had the opportunity to get along. Yeah, My space just sometimes feel like a place of gossip, drama and sometimes bad company. One thing I hate the most is getting some weird messages from weird people... sure some I answer because they hold legit conversations and god knows I like to have a nice conversation but when it's geared in a different manner or their intentions are foul then I step out. I know everybody has these messages and it's not that we are inviting then in any way unless they have half naked seductive pictures. Anyways, I just needed to write this... it's been on me for quite a while
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
It was kind of nice. I received my pay check on Monday from working for the school district well too bad yesterday was my last day since I only worked during the school year and well graduation was today but congrats to C/O 2008. oh well, I guess it's time to look for a real job now but I don't know yet. Anyways, Monday I also received another letter from verizon and I look at it but I thought it was rather odd well I read and apparently I had a rebate that had not been claimed by me... whoops! hehe but the letter said that the rebate goes back to December 31, 2004, almost 4 years and well I had one month left to get it notarized so they can send me my check. It's $50 but it's $50 that I didn't have before. I thought that was kind of nice... It's not everyday you get a letter in the mail stating you're going to get money from many years ago.
And I am specially happy today because it's my grandmother's (mom's mom) birthday. She turns 75 oh and if her mom was still alive (rest in peace) she would have been 100 years old. I think I am going to start working on a family tree for my son so that he gets to know a little of our past but too bad we can't go too far it's been too long... but the little we get is more than enough. :D
And I am specially happy today because it's my grandmother's (mom's mom) birthday. She turns 75 oh and if her mom was still alive (rest in peace) she would have been 100 years old. I think I am going to start working on a family tree for my son so that he gets to know a little of our past but too bad we can't go too far it's been too long... but the little we get is more than enough. :D
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